Saturday, 16 February 2013

How to Change Your Blogger Admin Email Without Losing Your Blog

Some time ago, i wanted to change the admin email of my blog, in the
process, i made a very big mistake. When i added the second email, i
thought it was all done, i went ahead and deleted the first email
account while it was still my admin email. And the repercussion, i
lost access to that blog.
I know some people may be in the same situation. It may be that you
have a Gmail account and hope to create a new Gmail address or you
just want to transfer your blog to another email address probably
because you don't like the present admin email. You must take care to
do it so that you will not regret your actions later. Never delete an
email account when it is still your admin email. By doing so you will
inadvertently delete your blog and that is nearly impossible to

Transferring your Blogger blog from one gmail / email account to
another is a very simple process if you do it correctly.

To transfer your Blogger / Blogspot blog to a new email address,
follow these simple steps correctly:

1. Sign into your current Gmail account, i mean your admin email, the
one you use to sign in to your blog.

2. From your dashboard, select Customize > Settings> Permissions>

3. Then select "Add Author."

4. Add the new Gmail account as an author.

5. Sign out of Blogger and Gmail.

6. Sign into your new Gmail account.

7. You will receive a message of invitation to be an author. Accept
the authorship to your blog.

8. Sign back into the first (admin) account.

9. Go back to Customize> Settings> Permissions.

10. Grant your new email address Admin Privilege. This will give both
email addresses equal blogging control.
You can now log in with your new admin email and control your blog with it.

Now, if you wanted to delete the old email, take the following steps:

1. From your dashboard, select Customize > Settings> Permissions>

2. Then clicking "remove". This dissociates the email from your blog.

Once you have severed the relationship between the email and your
blog, your Gmail account can now be safely removed without losing your
Lastly, if you lost your blog.


  1. I was wondering how to do this. I'm glad I came across your post, because I was about to do it incorrectly and would probably have deleted my blog! Thanks for your helpful info.

  2. hi friends, this is helpful technique for change email in blogger, thanks for post.

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  3. We are happy that our little effort was helpful to you

  4. Thank you. Seems simple enough.

  5. nice post friend. I was looking everywhere until i found your post.

  6. Thanks a lot.It's really helped me.

  7. Sadly doing the same what is told here YET new email address is not shown in my blog under permission topic.. I am wondering for the same from past 2-3 days..

  8. Excellent, thanks very much for saving me from deleting hours and hours of work!

    1. excellent, don it

  9. Thanks , nice post,

    But i have already lost my blog..

    can you help me to get it back?

  10. I am trying to find Customize> Settings> Permissions on my dashboard but I cant please help

    1. When you log on to our blogger dashboard, just beside the 'view blog' icon is another icon with a little arrow pointing downwards. click on it and you will see the rest of the menu including the settings

  11. Same hear where i can find Customize> Settings> Permissions

    1. When you log on to our blogger dashboard, just beside the 'view blog' icon is another icon with a little arrow pointing downwards; that is the customize icon. click on it and you will see the rest of the menu including the settings

  12. i have tried to add an author and have accepted the invitation, but the new author doesn't show up. driving me crazy!!! any thoughts?

    1. When you log on to our blogger dashboard, just beside the 'view blog' icon is another icon with a little arrow pointing downwards. click on it and you will see the rest of the menu including the settings.

      When you get to the permissions menu, you will see all the authorised authors.

    2. Thanks teacher XD

  13. I have done the same. New author isn't showing up. I am trying to change to an address. Is that a problem?

  14. Thanks for sharing this very useful information. I followed the above steps for my web development blog and it works perfectly.

  15. thanks man. did it. was helpful a lot. is it the same process with youtube?

  16. Thank you so much! It helped alot.

  17. Hi, same as Juhi. I did all the steps, i already accepted the invitation, but the new e-mail adress is not under the permissions spot.

  18. Great post thanks. I don't want to spend time doing this. I just wish Gmail would enable deletion of attachment without deleting the email message.
    Gmail Account Support please visit the link.

    Lacy Brown

  19. I'm actually TRYING to delete my blog.

    I wanted to talk to a human being at Google about a specific issue, not be passed from pillar to post, but that seems to be an impossibility. It's really annoying.

    The email address on my account that verifications are being sent to is no longer active so I can't add my blog to my dashboard in order to close it!! is NO LONGER my email but I cannot find out how to change this.

    I want to access my blog so I can take it down without deleting it but I can't.

    Who do I talk to???

  20. thankuuuuuuuu bro............

  21. I Have Just Added New Admin For My Blog. Now Can I Remove My Email, I'm Using Custom Domine?

  22. Only problem for me is that I am using a Custom domain and also, I don't want my posts deleted...

  23. Very nice. Straight to the point and clear. Thanks.

  24. after deleting first admin alo, still getting comments , how to transfer these comments to second author...

  25. Thank you for this very straight forward tutorial. I'm having now granted my new email as the admin and deleted the old email in my blog.

  26. when I've accepted the invitation, then it will directly go to the dashboard
    then i go to the setting, but nothing's changed... how?
